Feeding Families

SOS is proud to support Feeding Families again this year.

We’ll be collecting food donations over the coming weeks.

The business community and general public are welcome to bring food donations to our Gateshead office on the Team Valley.

356A Dukesway Court
Team Valley Trading Estate
NE11 0BH

Monday – Friday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm

SOS is supplying our van and staff to assist multiple times over the coming weeks.

See the link for the items which are required and other collection points, should our offices not be accessible


Come on, people, and we can all make a difference no matter the size of your donation.

Head Office

356A Dukesway Ct, Gateshead, NE11 0BH

Service Hubs

London, Birmingham, Bristol, North West and South Yorkshire


Big enough to cope, small enough to care