
How Can Managed Print Services Save Businesses Money?

A Develop Managed print service printer from SOS Group

Companies are constantly searching for ways to streamline operations and reduce costs. One area often overlooked is the management of print resources, which can be a significant but hidden expense. This is where cost-effective printing services, such as Managed Print Services (MPS), come into play. By optimising your printing processes, MPS can deliver substantial savings and improve efficiency across your organisation. Here’s how.

Understanding the True Cost of Printing

Printing is an essential function in most businesses, but the true cost of printing goes beyond just paper and toner. It includes the maintenance of printers, the time spent managing print-related tasks, and the energy consumed by these devices. Many companies don’t realise how much they’re spending on printing because these costs are often spread across different departments and budgets.

Cost-effective printing services, through Managed Print Services, offer a comprehensive approach to understanding and reducing these expenses. By assessing your current printing environment, MPS providers can identify inefficiencies and suggest improvements that lead to significant cost savings.

Reducing Waste and Unnecessary Printing

One of the biggest culprits of high printing costs is waste. Employees often print more than necessary, leading to piles of unused documents. In addition, printers may be set to print single-sided by default, consuming more paper than needed.

Managed Print Services help implement cost-effective printing services by introducing measures such as default duplex printing, user authentication, and print quotas. These strategies ensure that only necessary documents are printed and that resources are used efficiently, leading to immediate reductions in paper and toner consumption.

Streamlining Printer Fleet Management

Managing a fleet of printers can be a daunting task, especially in larger organisations with multiple locations. It’s not uncommon for companies to have an assortment of different makes and models, each requiring different supplies and maintenance. This lack of standardisation leads to inefficiencies and increased costs.

By opting for cost-effective printing services through an MPS provider, you can consolidate and standardise your printer fleet. This not only simplifies maintenance and reduces the variety of supplies needed but also ensures that you are using energy-efficient devices that contribute to lower utility bills. An MPS provider will also monitor your printers remotely, addressing issues before they become costly problems and ensuring optimal performance at all times.

Predictable Monthly Costs

Unpredictable printing costs can wreak havoc on your budget. With traditional printing setups, you may face sudden expenses for repairs, toner replenishment, or even the replacement of obsolete equipment. This makes it challenging to manage your finances effectively.

Managed Print Services offer a cost-effective printing solution by providing predictable monthly costs. Your MPS provider will typically charge a fixed fee that covers all aspects of your printing needs, including maintenance, supplies, and support. This allows you to budget more accurately and avoid unexpected expenses, leading to better financial planning and control.

Enhanced Security and Compliance

In today’s digital age, data security is paramount. Many businesses handle sensitive information that must be protected from unauthorised access. However, unsecured printers can be a significant vulnerability, with confidential documents potentially falling into the wrong hands.

Managed Print Services include enhanced security features that are part of a cost-effective printing strategy. These can range from secure print release, where documents are only printed when the user is present, to comprehensive audit trails that track who is printing what and when. By ensuring that your printing practices comply with industry regulations, MPS can help you avoid costly fines and protect your business’s reputation.

Improved Productivity and Efficiency

Time is money, and inefficient printing processes can waste a lot of it. Employees may spend unnecessary time troubleshooting printer issues, waiting for prints, or even walking to distant printers. All of this adds up to lost productivity.

Cost-effective printing services provided through MPS can help streamline these processes. For example, your MPS provider can analyse the layout of your office and place printers strategically to reduce the time employees spend walking to and from the printer. Moreover, by providing user-friendly, reliable equipment and proactive support, MPS ensures that your employees spend less time dealing with print-related issues and more time on their core tasks.

Environmental Benefits

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to businesses and their customers. Reducing your environmental impact is not only good for the planet but can also lead to cost savings. Managed Print Services supports cost-effective printing by promoting eco-friendly practices.

MPS providers help businesses reduce their carbon footprint by minimising waste, reducing energy consumption, and encouraging the use of recycled paper and cartridges. Some MPS providers also offer recycling programmes for used toner cartridges, further enhancing your sustainability efforts.


In conclusion, Managed Print Services offer a multitude of benefits that contribute to cost-effective printing services. By reducing waste, streamlining printer management, enhancing security, and improving productivity, MPS can save your business significant amounts of money. Additionally, the environmental benefits and predictable costs make it a smart choice for any organisation looking to optimise its printing processes.

If you’re looking to cut costs and improve efficiency, it’s time to consider the advantages of Managed Print Services. Investing in cost-effective printing services today can lead to long-term savings and a more sustainable, secure, and productive workplace.

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