Are you curious to know the most common IT problems your business is facing? These IT problems could even be occurring in your business every day without your knowledge.

One of the best ways to plan for the future of your business is to learn about the current struggles your company and employees face on a day-to-day basis. This knowledge brings the power of change and better ways to implement strategies for growth and success.

Technology is an ever-changing part of our world today. Right as we seem to get the latest and greatest piece of technology, a newer and smarter model is hitting the market.

To avoid some of these technical issues, it’s essential to learn the most common IT problems that are taking place at your workplace.

Issues can be as small as slow performance or as drastic as the infamous “blue screen of death”. Many of them can be resolved with as little as restarting your computer.

The more you know about these IT problems, the easier it’ll be to control and resolve them.

Computer problems and technology issues are bound to happen, even if you have an experienced IT team. It’s a smart idea to teach yourself some basic IT support skills that could potentially help you solve your most common IT problems.

Now, let’s dive into some of these common IT problems and take a look at potential solutions!

Common IT Problems: Is Your Business at Risk?

Even if you have the best team of IT experts with the most secure databases in the world, your company is probably still at risk. We hate to say it, but you might not have as much control over your network and servers as you think you do.

Investing your time in knowing and understanding your office technology is important. The more you know about common IT problems, the better you’ll be at preventing them from happening!

Also, keep in mind that some of these common IT problems are much different for businesses than they are for your personal or home devices.

1. Poor (or non-existent) Network Security

Network security is considered one of the most critical parts of keeping your business safe, along with avoiding common IT problems that little or no network security could bring.

Having a safe and secure network is important for any sized business, even if your company only has a few employees.

Hackers don’t discriminate when it comes to attacking your business files and employee data. Sometimes, cybercriminals specifically target small businesses because they know a smaller business might not have a robust security policy or can be breached with as little as a friendly phone call to your staff.

Cybersecurity is something to be proactive about, and you can take many steps to ensure your network and technology devices are safe and secure.

Make sure your employees are well-trained in security principles, your company’s firewall is enabled, all company data is backed up, and you’re maintaining the upkeep of your passwords.

2. Lack of Professional or Qualified Experience

Ever heard of Managed IT Services? Just because you outsource your managed IT services doesn’t necessarily mean you have to get rid of some of the members of your IT department.

It may just mean those employees can focus on less technical issues that might be overly complicated or overwhelming for them to tackle on a day-to-day basis.

An experienced and knowledgeable managed IT services provider can efficiently assist and monitor email and web hosting, data storage, server, and network maintenance, and much more.

A managed IT services professional monitors and works on your most complicated IT issues. They free up your in-house staff, allowing them to tackle new projects. They also create new initiatives that can improve your business operations.

 3. The Downfall of Old Technology

There’s nothing worse than having your old and slow-working IT systems fail and not having the resources to fix them because of how out-of-date they are.

One of the best ways to resolve a common IT problem, such as old technology, is the implementation of new technology as well as the fast installation of this technology.

It’s important that either you or your IT team begin tackling your IT projects the second you receive new devices or the money to purchase them.

A managed IT team is an excellent resource for your company as they’re always looking for new and updated technology the second it comes out on the market. The more updated and newer your IT systems are, the fewer IT problems you’ll have now, and in the future.

4. No Data Backup/Backup Issues

Uh oh… you get to work on a Monday morning and find out all of your data is gone. Overloaded routers can cause this.  

What do you do? If you have a solid backup strategy, you’ll be back in business quickly. However, if you’re like 65% of SMBs, you don’t have a backup strategy or plan.

Like we said earlier about security, a data backup plan is something every business should have in place, no matter the size of the company.

You might not know it, but failing to back up your data can actually be correlated with costing your business money. The costs associated with a data breach can leave you thousands and thousands of pounds in the hole.

5. No Mobile Device Action Plan

Mobile devices (business or personal), such as smartphones and tablets, can, unfortunately, create significant security and management challenges, especially if they hold confidential information or can access your corporate network.

With as much remote work as we all do nowadays, a mobile device plan is imperative when assessing common IT problems.

Make sure you require all mobile users to password-protect their devices (change them regularly), encrypt their data, and install security apps. This helps prevent criminals from stealing information while the mobile device is on public networks.

Since these devices are portable, be sure to set reporting procedures for lost or stolen devices and communicate this to your staff.

6. Unplugged: Which Cable Goes Where?

This common IT problem for businesses might seem more like common sense, but hear us out.

Most printers, copiers, and computers offer so many functions. With an increase in function comes an increase in the number of cables and cords attached to a machine.

You might even feel overwhelmed by the number of cables running in and out of the system that you’re afraid to touch anything at all.

However, most of the external cables connected to your machine are simple, typically consisting of:

  • The power cable
  • The USB cable
  • The Ethernet cable
  • The printer, copier, or computer cable (today this is most likely an Ethernet or USB cable)
  • Extra hook-up cables, such as a mouse or keyboard

Take a little extra time to learn what each cable does and where each cable is supposed to plug in, whether it be the wall or a device. This tip is helpful the next time an IT problem appears.

Sometimes you have a loose cord that continues to slip out of your machine. Double check all your wires and cables when a problem arises to make sure the cables are all securely plugged in.

 7. Poor Judgement of Online Safety

Safety, safety, safety. We can’t stress this enough! Using good judgment when using the internet is so critical in protecting your company and avoiding the common IT problem of an unsecured network.

Ever seen something like this?

“Congratulations! You’re The 1,000,000 Visitor to Our Website! Click Here to Claim Your Prize Of £1,000,000!”

We hate to break it to you, but you didn’t win. Advertisements like this are ripe with malware and other software that puts your computer at a high-security risk.

Learning how to judge the relative safety of a website helps avoid those that may harm your computer. The reason that these types of email offers exist is because they work.

The number of scams taking place every day on the internet is frightening, but also something you can prevent by being cautious of the sites you visit and the information you release. 

8. Hardware or Software Issues

Are you getting sick of seeing system failure or error messages? When it comes to software and IT, it’s no secret that it’s not a matter of “if” it will break, but “when.”

Unfortunately, when it does break, a simple reboot of your smartphone or laptop isn’t going to fix it. If you don’t have the necessary resources present to replace and repair the software, you’re looking at a significant loss, possibly even companywide.

Many businesses also forget that all technology devices have a lifespan, no matter how advanced they might seem. Manufacturers are in the business of selling you their latest and greatest products, so sometimes, repairs can even cost more than purchasing a brand-new machine or device.

Learn the life cycle of all IT devices and put them to rest at the proper time and standardize your hardware components and software applications. You don’t have to do this on your own. If you don’t already outsource your IT, investigate doing so.

9. Too Many Employees Have Access to Data and Information

Although it’s important that all employees at your company are equipped with the tools they need to do their job, there’s no need to give them access to things they don’t need access to, such as network passwords and information.

It might make sense to have just one employee control all access to your company’s data systems. However, this is not the best way to prevent network security issues.

Employees should only be given access to the specific data systems that they need for their specific job duties and should not be able to install any software without permission from you or the IT controller.

10. Lacking an IT Plan

There are certain things you can prepare for when it comes to IT, but not when it comes to a security breach or natural disaster. This is where an IT plan and a managed IT services team comes in handy.

Outsourcing your company’s IT needs is certainly a big move to make that takes careful consideration and planning. Becoming educated and more familiar with managed IT services significantly benefits your business in more ways than one.

Managed IT services save your employees time, saves your business money, provide you with remote monitoring for a safer network, bring subject matter experts, and even give you access to more customizable services.

Knowing all there is to know about the most common IT problems for businesses probably doesn’t sound so basic to you, and that’s perfectly ok. Computers, copiers, and printers can be challenging to learn, which is why we want to give you the resources to do so. If you want to learn more about tech support and resolutions, reach out to us here and let us know.

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