Secure print solutions that reduce your costs

For print solutions, SOS Group partner with leading software providers. Above all, we offer print solutions that reduce costs, increase your document security and help you manage paper along with digital files more effectively.

These solutions are also designed to help you gain full visibility of your current copier/printer fleet, usage and associated costs.

One of the print solutions we offer is Papercut.



Print solutions to take you to the “less paper” office

The dream of the “less paper” office has been around for more than 30 years. However, look around most offices and you will still see lots of paper. Paper will continue to be an important business tool for years to come. The challenge therefore is not to create the paperless office, but to create an office where paper and digital documents work together. An efficient, cost effective and easy to use workflow transforms the way you work.

Did you know…

  • Upto 40% of all print jobs are emails and website downloads
  • Upto 50% of print jobs remain unclaimed at the printer
  • And upto 30% of documents will be printed, read, and thrown in the bin

Our print solutions

Our range of print management software enforces rules and routing for your print output. Users can select the most cost-effective device. Document security is also enhanced as users need to identify themselves at the output device before printing.

The result will be a more productive office where documents are printed only when required, in the right format, double sided and with much less paper ending up in the wastepaper bin!

Give us a call to find out how your business could benefit from our Print Management Software.

What is Print Management Software?

Click here

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    We’d love to help make your office a smart office.


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    356A Dukesway Ct, Gateshead, NE11 0BH

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    London, Birmingham, Bristol, North West and South Yorkshire


    Big enough to cope, small enough to care