Outstanding Charity Support To Small to Medium Companies

Small company, BIG impact. SOS Group Ltd win at the North East Charity Awards, “Outstanding Charity Support – Small to Medium Companies”

The Children’s Foundation is immensely proud of SOS for winning the award and to find out why SOS Group Ltd is so special to us here’s our nomination for the awards:

SOS first began to support to The Children’s Foundation back in 2014 when they became the headline sponsor for Run Geordie Run (RGR). The bond was formed after company director, Andrew, heard Mark Allison speak about his fundraising, was inspired and wondered why they hadn’t been a part of the journey sooner


The partnership between SOS group and The Children’s Foundation is driven by the directors of SOS. They always want to engage with our projects and beneficiaries and are always looking to see what they can do next. For a number of years SOS group have donated Easter eggs and Bunnies to be handed out to children in the Great North Children’s Hospital (GNCH). Last year SOS Director, Andrew Skelton even accompanied the Clown Drs (a project supported by The Children’s Foundation) round the GNCH to hand out Easter Eggs himself to children on the wards.

SOS Group goes above and beyond in terms of support to The Children’s Foundation.

Where some organisations stop at financial support, this is where SOS group begin. They have become ambassadors for the charity and are so motivated and passionate for the cause. The team are extremely approachable, always willing to hear our ideas and willing to consider our requests.


Head Office

356A Dukesway Ct, Gateshead, NE11 0BH

Service Hubs

London, Birmingham, Bristol, North West and South Yorkshire


Big enough to cope, small enough to care