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Fleet Management Software

What can Print Fleet Management Software do for you?

When your print devices run low on ink, would it save time if your new ink cartridges were already there? …sent automatically in advance? Would automating meter readings save you time and also money? Would accurate usage reports help you manage your printer fleet?

Fleet Monitoring Software can do all this and much more. No more last minute calls to order toners. Say goodbye to filling out online meter billing forms. No more hunting around for inventory lists of printers and also their locations.

Instead it’s all automated and available 24/7 online.

Automated Toner Delivery

Good news! Your toner deliveries can be automated. We can also customise the threshold at which new toners are automatically sent – so heavy use devices get sent a new toner sooner. Likewise, the destination of the toner can be customised with specific delivery instructions to accommodate:

  • Going directly to the print device itself
  • Being sent to a central location (such as a print room where all inventory may be stored and managed)
  • Locations on a sprawling campus/large corporate HQ/serviced offices
  • Remote locations with unusual/bespoke addresses

Automated emails can also be sent to key staff, so they are aware of an incoming consumables order.

Automated Meter Readings

Traditionally, meter readings were collected manually – normally monthly – by walking up to or logging into the device through a network connection/webpage. Then the readings are then returned to your Managed Print Service provider by phone, fax or email. If readings were not received, reminders were sent and a chase for data ensued which, if fruitless, resulted in estimates being used for billing purposes …with mixed results.

Fleet Monitoring Software automates all of this in an efficient, reliable way


Device Status

These powerful tools can assist with device discovery and real-time configuration. You can also establish a convenient dashboard highlighting device status alerting you to devices being down or needing attention.


The reports generated can be as simple or as sophisticated as you need. Print Fleet Management Software Reports include:

  • Detailed Usage reporting
  • Inventory of Print Devices listed by location / function / device type / model
  • Usage Trends
  • Device Population and Lifetime Counters
  • Power Saved by using the device’s Energy Saving modes
  • Paper Saved by using duplex/combine print options
  • Detailed Environmental Reporting including Trees Saved and also CO2 Savings (from use of duplex/combine and Energy Saving modes)
  • Export to Excel / CSV / PDF

As a result these reports help you:

  • Pick usage trends so you can proactively manage and optimise use of your print assets
  • Support your company’s environmental aims and green credentials
  • Audit your print asset inventory
  • Spot check device usage and also billing information


Data is collected using high security protocols similar to online banking. You can choose to have the software installed on:

  • The print devices themselves (called embedding) or
  • On your server or
  • On a local PC which could also allow the collection of readings from locally connected (USB) devices

Saving Time and Money with Print Fleet Management Software

So Fleet Management Software saves your organisation time and money through:

  • Remote monitoring of your print fleet
  • Giving you the information and reports you need
  • Automating the mundane tasks of toner replenishment and also meter reading reporting

Whether your organisation is big or small, our software solutions give you the ability to monitor and support your office devices easily and unobtrusively.

So why not give us a call to see how Fleet Management Software can help you?

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